Sunday, April 28, 2013

Black Magic Meadow

I love the black magic technique with this stamp!! I stamped it in craft white and then colored it in with colored pencils. Great for a one layer card. The other one I left in just the black and white and added some white half pearls. Hope you are not getting too tired of me using this set :) I only got this one and the Simply Sketched in the preview. Just wanted that new catalog SO bad.


  1. So vivid and beautiful. I have never tried this technique but have loved it for years. Great cards. Hugz!

  2. I do love both of these Joanne, but the coloured one really does have the wow factor!! I will definitely be trying this! :)
    Lizy xx

  3. I love this set. I can't wait to try this technique! i might have to go make one right NOW!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. I have not heard of this technique so will have to check it out. I love your cards.
